Local Support Systems

Ibaraki Prefectural Government

Exemption from prefectural taxes for businesses in Ibaraki Prefecture

Exemption from prefectural taxes for businesses that set up or construct a new office(factory, plant, etc.) in Ibaraki Prefecture and hire at least fivve additional employees by March 2015

・Exemption for three years from enterprise tax on ∞rporations, depending on the percentage of employees additionally hired when opening a new office, etc.
・Exemption from real estate acquisition tax for buildings and land (the part on which the building is built) related to the opening ofthe new office, etc.

City of Tsukuba

Tax abatement for entities engaged in one or more strategic zone projects

① Exemption from fixed asset tax and city planning tax for corporate entities that engage in projects in the international strategic zone and receive corresponding national preferential tax measures (tax measures for the promotion of investment in plant and equipment) by March 2016

・Abatement for up to three years of fixed asset tax and city planning tax related to buildings, machinery, equipment and land

② Exemption from fixed asset tax and city planning tax for those who provide land for verification tests by March 2016

Tsukuba City Subsidy for stimulating industries

For enterprises opening a new office,etc. in the city by March 2015, a subsidy equivalent to the fixed asset tax for the office in question

・A one-year (three years for robotlenvironment-related enterprises) subsidy equivalent to the fixed asset tax on the land, building and depreciable assets of the new office, etc. depending on the number of employees additionally hired when opening the new office, etc.

Initiatives in Tsukuba International Strategic Zone


To construct a "new industry-government-academia collaboration system to change Tsukuba" by taking advantage of the preferential deregulation and tax measures that are available in the zone, and to attain tangible results from four pioneering projects within five years in order to contribute to solve the problem that we face in the field of Green & Life innovation.

Construction of a "new industry-government-academia collaboration system to change Tsukuba"

・Establishing an organization for promoting global innovation in Tsukuba to serve as the ∞re of the collaboration system
・Creating systems that enable researchers to freely use the leading-edge research facilities of other organizations, producing tangible results, publicizing study resources, and supporting projects on a common platform
・Creating at least 5 new projects in 5 years

Four pioneering projects

Project1 Life-Innovation Development and implementation of BNCT, a next-generattion cancer treatment
Project2 Life-Innovation Living with Personal Care Robots
Project3 Green-Innovation Practical use of algal biomass energy
Project4 Green-Innovation Creating a global hub of nanotechnology, TIA-nano

For more information, please contact:

ibarakipref Science and Technology Division, Department of Planning, Ibaraki Prefectural Government
978-6 Kasahara-cho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-8555, Tel.+81-29-301-2529 Fax.+81-29-301-2498
tsukubacity Science and Technology Promotion Division,
Tsukuba International Strategic Zone Promotion Department, City ofTsukuba

2530-2 Karima, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8555, Tel.+81-29-883-1111 (extension 5270) Fax.+81-29-868-764
tsukubauniv Office of the Organization for the Promotion of Tsukuba-Based Global Innovation,
Department ofResearch Promotion, University of Tsukuba

1-8-3 Kasuga, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0821, Tel.+81-29-853-5887 Fax.+81-29-853-588

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